Feb 6, 2013

Jeju Island : Day 3

The morning of the second day was coming.
We got ready to go out and packed our things for checkout.
Because tomorrow is the day we go back to Seoul, so we decided to stay near the airport.

We stayed this room at "Sheelddi" guest house.
There are 2 rooms, 1 living room and bathroom in the house with the blue roof.
We talked all night in our room. It was very cozy and warm. :-)

Anyway,  on thired day, our schedule was like this:
To hike Mt. Hallasan - to visit famous cafe' Cacadew - Love land.
Check below for our traces. :-)

After we packing, we had a breakfast at the guest house's cafe.
Like yesterday, we ate toast with jam and coffee. Also, the owner of the guest house "Sheelddi" provided his special mandarin juice he made himself. He said this juice is named "Fresh ding-ding juice". :-)
We talked a lot with him. He recommended us to visit Mt.Hallasan through course Seongpanak because the course is a gentle slope so it is good for inexperienced climbers.

He was very kind guy. He gave us Jeju mandarins a lot to eat during climbing. :-)
I stongly recommened this guest house if you have any plan to visit Jeju island. It was cozy, comfortable and people who stayed here as a staff or traveler were nice too. Above all things, they gave us great memories we never forget in our lives. :-)
Plus+ "Nari" which is the dog  is awesomely cute! *_* 

** Jeju Sheelddi guest house  : http://cafe.naver.com/jejusheelddi
They have English and Japanese information on this site.
Feel free to contact with them. :-) 

Before we took a bus to Seogwipo, we dropped by a small store to buy a sour jelly we liked.
This store looks like 80's and early 90's old style store. We wallowed in nostalgia for a moments.
Then, we took a bus and got off the last stop "Seogwipo bus terminal" (NB. I am not sure about exact name of the last stop.) and then we changed to another bus(5.16 line) to Mt.Hallasan. We fell asleep in the bus............
It took around 1 and half hour and when we got off Mt.Hallasan, we got into a panic. It snowed heavily in contrast with the town.

We didn't prepare any mountain-climbing equipment. Also, It was late to hike up to the top of the moutain when we arrived.
It seemed to be dangerous to hike without crampon and waterproof clothes. We were between the ways.
"To hike or not to hike, that is the question."
So, we made a conclustion to hike just a bit. 
Let's hike just 5 min more, then go to the city center and eat something hot for keeping our body warm.

Yey! Here is Mt.Hallasan!! We are here! SO COLD!! YEY!! *_*
I felt strongly I need to visit Jeju again whenever I have enought time for this mountain that I've never been to the top. :-)

Just took a walk 5 min, we went back the bus stop.
We were freezing in 5 min at the mountain. We looked like snowman. :-)

Anyway, we took a bus to Jeju city and got off "Jeju bus terminal" after an hour. We looked for some food which could make our body warm, so we chose one restraurant and ordered this food called Gogi guksu(pork noodles) which is the native dish of Jeju island.
It puts noodles in a pork's leg bone broth. :-)
After lunch, we moved to cafe' Cacadew for having dessert. :-)

Yes, we were here for eating this huge dessert. 
This is called Nokcha bingsoo(greentea ice flakes with syrup) which is a popular shaved ice dessert in Korea, especially during summer season. it is topped with ice-cream, sweetened condesned milk, small pieces of tteok(rice cake), nuts, cereal flakes and so on. 
+Also, we have Pat binsoo (adzuki beans). it is also based on same like what Nokcha bingsoo has. 

Normally, Cafe' where bingsoo is sold used to put ice-cream 1 or 2 scoops.
However, Cafe' Cacadew was different. Look at the picture. Can you see how high is ice-cream in the bowl?? How generous the owener of the cafe!
It was yummy but we coudn't eat all up. It was too much for us and made us cold again..
We needed something, somewhere make our body warm again. Somewhere we could relax and be lolling around on a warm floor.

So, we booked an accommodation that mets our requirements.

We were so lucky girls that we could stay this good quality rooms a cheap price.
Above of all, the room was so warm...... We were in this room for 2 hours by relaxing, watching TV and eating mandarins which a guest house's owner gave us. And then, we moved to Love land A.K.A the only sexual theme park in Korea. Loveland is a place where sexually oriented art and eroticism meet. 

There are many sexual sculpture outside. Just post one of pictures I took. 
If you are interested in here : http://www.jejuloveland.com/ 
Visit this site or google it :-D 

After that, we had a dinner near our accommodation and then bought beer, drinks and some snacks at the supermarket.
The picture above is Jeju milk that I took at the supermarket. It looked different with Seoul's one so I took it. :-) 
Also, left one in the picture is printed with a Mt. Hallasan and right one is with Dol hareubang. (You can check information about Dol hareubang on my post: Jeju island : Day 2.)   

Cheers :-D
We say cheers "GUNBAE" in Korean.
We talked a lot during the last night and fell asleep well under warm blankets on the warm floor.

Good night Jeju.

Honey in Jeju Island with Minmin and Kyungpa  

                                                                                                     ** 15.01.2013-18.01.2013